Body Sculpting

Give nature a helping hand with safe and effective treatments that target pockets of unwanted fat.

Finding total confidence, from head to toe

No matter how diligent we are with diet and exercise, sometimes our bodies are stubborn. Whether it’s that lower belly that you just can’t flatten, or arm fat that no number of tricep curls can tone, many patients turn to us for help contouring these areas — without surgery.

Body treatments aren’t limited to areas of excess fat. They can also alter elements of the face and neck that many patients assume require surgery, achieving a profile that optimizes your natural beauty. Starting with a careful understanding of your goals and anatomical needs, we’ll develop a personalized, incremental approach to give you the natural-looking outcomes you’re looking for.

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The Lower Face and Neck

Look and feel rejuvenated from all angles.

It’s no surprise that concerns about the lower face and neck are so common — they’re the first things we see when we look in the mirror. Research has shown that the ideal female face is smooth, oval, and slightly heart-shaped. For males, it’s square, with a strong jaw. Among both sexes, symmetry is considered a sign of health and reproductive fertility and we notice features like an attractive neckline, the absence of a jowl, and the angle between the chin and neck.

Traditionally, the lower face and neck have been treated in isolation. However, they are intricately connected — so our approach will be, too. This may include facial shaping, deep heating or ultrasound technology for skin tightening, or microneedling to stimulate collagen and elastin production. With such a complex area, taking an integrated approach is necessary, and we’ll work closely with you to align with your values and goals each step of the way.

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The Submental Region

Redefine your jawline and facial profile.

A double chin is often one of the first reminders that your body is no longer invincible and one of the most stubborn symptoms to overcome. Due to its prominent location you can’t hide a double chin or other types of facial fullness. That’s why so many of our patients turn to us for help.

We’ll work carefully to give you a profile that inspires confidence and pride. One option is to freeze fat cells so your body naturally eliminates the dead cells over time. Another is to use an injectable that improves the appearance of fat under the chin. After our consultation, we’ll choose the treatment that best suits your comfort and goals, and take a conservative approach that leaves you feeling your best.

Take control ofyour appearance and your confidence.

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The Waistline

Augment your healthy diet and exercise.

Even with discipline and a healthy lifestyle, you may find that you just can’t seem to achieve the body you’re after. Among men and women, one of the primary areas of excess fat buildup is around the centre. Some call it a beer belly, others love handles — regardless, with age, this is where fat tends to concentrate.

An effective approach to this can utilize heat or cold. Deep heating technology can tighten loose skin around your abdomen. Alternatively, freezing or dissolving fat cells causes them to gradually die off and leave your body through a natural process. While this eliminates fat cells permanently in targeted areas, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise — part of the 360 approach we recommend.

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Other Areas

Tighten and tuck — without surgery.

Beyond the abdominal area, you may also want to target smaller, localized pockets of fat. Patients close to or even at their target weight still complain about bulges of fat on the sides of their knees, on the inner thighs, or on the upper arms. For women in particular, the “bra bulge” above and below the back bra strap can be especially irritating as it is often visible through clothing. Whatever your reason for wanting to target the extra fat accumulation, a simple, effective, no-downtime treatment — again, that utilizes heat or cold — can help tone and smooth these areas and create a more elegant overall silhouette.

Looking Ahead

Build confidence with a personalized treatment plan.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for something as nuanced and unique as the human body. Even when we do everything right, from diet and exercise to sleep and hydration, we all still struggle in certain areas. That’s why we recommend a combination of treatments to achieve optimal, personalized results.

Take control of yours appearance and your confidence.

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